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Gas Services

Gas Installation

There’s nothing more comforting than knowing your home is always going to be properly heated. We can take care of any gas installation. Get in touch for more info.

Gas Safety Checks

It’s vital that gas appliances are regularly checked. Regular maintenance can prevent gas leaks and stop carbon monoxide being released.

If you’re a homeowner, it’s recommended that you get all gas appliances, flues and pipework installed, regularly maintained and serviced annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

If you’re a landlord, you are required by law to make sure any gas appliances owned by you in your properties have annual gas safety checks.

Oil to Gas Changeover

Switching from oil to gas doesn't need to be an ordeal. Johnston gas has countless years of experience helping heat happy homes throughout Northern Ireland with this particular service. Get in touch for more information on gas installation and switch over services.


You’ll need to ensure that all fixed LPG gas appliances are serviced and safety checked every year by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Johnston Gas can perform the safety check efficiently - get in touch for more information.

Gas Boiler Servicing

A yearly gas boiler service is required to ensure efficient and safe operation of your appliance. A faulty gas appliance or fitting will cause serious harm to you and your family if not maintained. A boiler operating inefficiently will have an effect on your carbon footprint. Having a yearly Boiler Service carried out could save you a substantial amount of ££ every year.


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